Resources for Facilitators

The following presentations, handouts, and resources may be helpful as you plan and conduct Southeastern Forests and Climate Change workshops.


Also make sure to check out the Resources for Educators webpage, where you can find more materials, such as correlation charts, state supplements, and research summaries.


If you would like to help lead a workshop that introduces this module, please contact your state Project Learning Tree coordinator.


Workshop Planning Materials

Sample SFCC Workshop Agendas

Sample SFCC and Focus on Forests Workshop Agendas

Module Scavenger Hunt (1st edition)

Module Scavenger Hunt (2nd edition)

Sample Workshop Flyer

Facilitator Kit Information

Participant Sign-In Sheet


Module Cover

Header, Cover, Logos, and Section Icons


Presentations and Activity Materials

Introduction to the SFCC Module

Tree Parts Icebreaker

Climate Discussion Icebreaker



Module Overview

Website Overview

Climate Misconceptions

Systems Thinking Overview

Assessing Systems Thinking Skills

Systems Thinking Tools by Activity