1-2 Activity 4: The Changing Forests


This activity introduces students to how changes in climate can affect southern forest ecosystems and forest management, as reported in five, two-page articles produced by the U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station. Students read and discuss one of these articles to learn about current monitoring and research activities of forest scientists regarding climate change. In groups, students communicate the key points from the articles to their classmates, and then summarize ways that climate change might affect southeastern forests and the role of forest management and science in responding to those changes.


Full Activity (with student pages included)

Student Pages

Presentations and Teacher Notes

Answer Key



You can find more related websites at the end of Activity 4 or check out Additional Resources for the entire module.


Teacher Comments

I used several of the “optional videos” to help give direction to the activity. They were helpful to students.
Biology Teacher, Kentucky
This activity was an “eye opener” for many students.
Earth Science Teacher, Kentucky
I modified the activity progression. Instead of starting with the small groups, I included everyone together in the discussion. Separating the class into groups wouldn’t have allowed me to keep them focused on the activity. They get distracted very easily.
Earth Science Teacher, Florida
For students who have difficulty with reading and comprehension, the articles were a nice length and not overwhelming.
Environmental Science Teacher, Florida
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