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Module Overview
Who Is This Module For?
Using the Materials and Website
Why Southeastern Forests and Climate Change?
Teaching About Climate Change
Explore Module Activities
Section 1: Climate Change and Forests
Activity 1: Stepping through Climate Science
Activity 2: Clearing the Air
Activity 3: Atlas of Change
Section 4: Life Cycle Assessment
Activity 9: The Real Cost
Activity 10: Adventures in Life Cycle Assessment
Activity 11: Life Cycle Assessment Debate
Section 2: Forest Management and Adaptation
Activity 4: The Changing Forests
Activity 5: Managing Forests for Change
Activity 6: Mapping Seed Sources
Section 5: Solutions for Change
Activity 12: The Carbon Puzzle
Activity 13: Future of Our Forests
Activity 14: Starting a Climate Service-Learning Project
Section 3: Carbon Sequestration
Activity 7: Carbon on the Move
Activity 8: Counting Carbon
Systems Enrichment Exercises
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No Access
Nicole Ramsey
Module Sections
Section 1: Climate Change and Forests
Activity 1: Stepping through Climate Science
Activity 2: Clearing the Air
Activity 3: Atlas of Change
Section 2: Forest Management and Adaptation
Activity 4: The Changing Forests
Activity 5: Managing Forests for Change
Section 3: Carbon Sequestration
Activity 6: Mapping Seed Sources
Activity 7: Carbon on the Move
Section 4: Life Cycle Assessment
Activity 8: Counting Carbon
Activity 9: The Real Cost
Activity 10: Adventures in Life Cycle Assessment
Section 5: Solutions for Change
Activity 11: The Life Cycle Assessment Debate
Activity 12: The Carbon Puzzle
Activity 13: The Future of Our Forests
Correlation Charts